The One

The One

Produced by My Kinda Films, Watch “Kothaiyin Kural,” a gripping Tamil short film that delves into the profound narrative of a 12-year-old girl named Kothai. Join us on this emotional journey crafted by Gopinath Narayanamoorthy.

Synopsis : The film is about a 12 year old girl named Kothai, affected by the system after encountering an issue in the society, advocates a change in one of the effective pillars of constitution, a first of its kind. Its thought provoking so its high time, that the system start taking its citizens seriously especially the youngsters who have keenly started noticing both the system and the society in a diligent way. As rightly said by Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam, the future of India lies in the hands of younger generation.

A Clear Winner, unanimously appreciated by one and All.